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“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.“ (Matthew 19:14) 


All children are precious gifts of God.  They are the next generation and the promise of the future.  Many hands join together to foster the growth and development of children.  At Crown of Life Lutheran Preschool we recognize that parents have the primary responsibility for nurturing their children.  By enrolling your children at Crown of Life Lutheran Preschool, parents and teachers are partnering to further nurture their children.  Teachers at school and parents at home create many learning experiences for children.  These experiences help children learn about God’s love for them and about his wonderful world.  At the same time parents and teachers learn about child development by observing children and interacting with them. The Preschool experience is truly meant to be a partnership in learning.


3K/4K Program

Crown of Life Lutheran Preschool offers a half day and a full day program. Both programs are five days a week. 



Our curriculum is a research based curriculum called HighScope that focuses on growth and development of the whole child (emotional, physical, social, academic, spiritual). The curriculum supports the way children actively learn in an environment designed to support their needs.

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Teachers Who Care

Our teacher's love for each unique child comes from Jesus saving love for us. Our Savior’s love for us motivates all that we do at Crown of Life Lutheran Preschool. We want each child to know how special they are to God and to us! 

Preschool Parent

"I am so thankful to have found Crown of Life for my children. Not only do they receive excellent instruction and learning opportunities, they also get to learn about their faith. I have watched my son blossom and grow so much over the past two years in the preschool program and I cannot wait for my daughter to start next year and watch her progress."

Daily Routine

8:00-8:30- Arrival, Sign-In, Table Activities Children arrive, sign-in, and work at tables

8:30-9:00- Morning Message, Calendar, LOW (Mon-Thurs), Chapel (Fri) Welcome Song, Calendar, Weather

9:00-9:05- Planning Time- This a time when each child shares their plan for play time. They will say what area they want to play in and what they are going to do in it.

9:05-9:50- Work Time- Play time! Play is a child’s work. During this time, children

are developing fine & gross motor skills, social & emotional skills, and cognitive abilities

through hands-on learning and exploration 

9:50-10:00-Clean Up

10:00-10:20- Bathroom, Snack

10:20-10:40- Bible Story, Memory Treasure, & Songs

10:40-11:15- Outside Time

11:15-11:30- Small Group- Activities based on different academic subjects

11:30-11:45- Movement & Music- Movement keeps the children active and learns different skills.

Music helps children learn rhythm and play with instruments

11:45-12:00- Devotion, Stories

12:00-12:30- Lunch

12:30-12:45- Books, Puzzles

12:45-1:15- Outside Time

1:15-2:15- Rest Time- Children can read books, lay quietly, or take a nap.

2:15-2:45- Table Activities, Choice Time

2:45-3:00- Afternoon Message, Dismissal



Come Visit Us!

The best way to see if our preschool is right for your child and your family is to come visit us. Visit at a time that works best for your family. Meet our preschool director and teacher, tour our classroom, and ask all your questions about curriculum, activities, programs, and support.

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© 2025 Crown of Life Lutheran School


Crown of Life Lutheran School

32747 Ryan Rd

Warren, MI 48092

(586) 264-2656


8:00 AM-3:15 PM

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