Thriving in Kindergarten to 8th Grade
Our classrooms are highly structured to achieve maximum learning success for each child. A highly structured classroom offers more than just high academics and fast paced learning. It offers respectful and courteous peer interaction, socialization in multiple environments, and self-discipline for effective time management. We have a well-rounded curriculum that creates a solid foundation for lifelong learning. In addition, all subjects are taught in light of God’s Word to ensure a biblical view of the world.
The curriculum at Crown of Life seeks to enrich the mind and enlighten the heart through the timeless truths of God’s Word. Crown of Life is balanced and comprehensive as Christian principles are applied to all subject areas. The curriculum creates a solid foundation for lifelong learning through intellectual, spiritual, social, emotional, and physical development in a safe, loving, Christian environment. Crown of Life's students are fully equipped with the tools needed to succeed in and out of the classroom.
Crown of Life athletics provide a unique way for students to further their growth. These athletics include soccer, basketball, and track. Active participation in athletics strengthens friendships, enhances team-building skills, improves coordination and strength, and promotes physical well-being. Student-athletes ultimately learn to view sports competition as a blessing from God that is both fun and rewarding.
Go Bulldogs!
Special Courses
Crown of Life offers additional classes to your child which happen on Friday afternoons. Your child will receive physical education, music, art, and current events. These classes are taught in a departmentalized way so each class is taught by a different teacher on our staff. Your child also has the opportunity to sing about once a month in our church services.
Kindergarten-8th Grade Curriculum
K-4 Grade
Religion- ChristLight
Math- Saxon Math
Reading/ Phonics- Adventure of the Superkids, Horizons Published by McGraw-Hill
Spelling- Everyday Spelling
English- World of Language: Silver Burdett and Ginn
Handwriting- Zaner Bloser
Social Studies- Macmillan/ McGraw-Hill
Science- Pearson Science
PE- Sparks Physical Education
5-8 Grade
Religion: ChristLight
Math- Saxon Math
Handwriting- Zaner-Bloser
Spelling- Everyday Spelling
English-Grammar and Writing: Hake
Social Studies- United States History and World History: Houghton Mifflin
Reading- Whole Class Novel Reading
Science- Pearson Science
Computer- Typing Club, Google Docs, and Google Slides